Thursday, April 16, 2009

It's Always About Haddyn : )

I am a huge slacker, I know. BUT, I do have a fairly good excuse...I am working two days a week in Blackfoot now so I basically live at my parents for half the week and at my house for half the week. This week I am working 3 days and I am home today, and only today, so you'd better feel dang lucky I'm spending it doing this. J/K I am not going to be able to post everything, but I want to post a couple of cute videos of Haddyn and I'll post all the pics later cause that actually takes longer. Yes, I know, you are all probably sick of videos of Haddyn, but that's just how it goes :)

Haddyn is getting her canine teeth right now and she has a cold, which is shared with me (sweet girl), so she is a little on the grouchy side, but still a little sweetie and always keeps me laughing! She really misses her daddy so much while we're gone half the week and it was so sad when she cried as he left for work this morning :( I'm posting a cute video of them playing after her bath the other night tho...they play little game like this all of the time.

This last weekend we went to my parents house in Blackfoot for Easter and all the fam was there. It was good times! Here's a video of Haddyn and my niece Morgan getting a ride from Uncle Shon. It was hilarious! Haddyn would not hold on to Shon's leg so he had to hold her by the head. I think he was almost purple by the time he was done from the lack of oxygen and swinging on his head. HA! What we do to ourselves to play with the kids and see them laugh! Haddyn was so proud when she got off she had to cheer for herself and of course, we all had to cheer with her.


Ashley said...

I don't think ANYone gets sick of videos of her! I love, love, love the one of Daddy and Haddyn playing! Daddys and little girls are soooo endearing (but I'm clearly biased!).

And of course, it's always about Haddyn--it should be! It wasn't long after Kendra was born that Grant changed the title of our blog from "Ashley, Grant and Kendra" to "Ashley, Grant and (especially) Kendra". It's all about the babies!

Kandice said...

I can't believe how big Haddyn is getting! And yes, Daddy's girls are just the way they should be! What are you doing working in Blackfoot?

Unknown said...

Holy cow, that would be hard to be away from your hubby that much! Its still probably not as bad as it was when you were here finishing school, I hope! You are such a hard worker, I thought things would slow down for you but I guess not! That was such a sweet video with Haddyn and Scott, you can tell she loves her daddy. She is getting so big, her hair is getting so long! Cute videos! If you go to Blackfoot often we should meet up some time, I'll give you a call sometime!