Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Who Needs Santa?

Last week Scott was taking the kids to the sitter and he was explaining to Haddyn that if she wasn't nice to the kids then Santa wouldn't bring her anything for Christmas. So Haddyn sat there thoughtful for a second and then she replied, "Jesus is a pretty good guy, I bet he'll bring me something." Classic. At least she understands Christmas isn't just about Santa, but Jesus too. The best part is that Scott is very well known for not being chumped or "one upped"...he always has the last word and the last joke. Not with his 3 year old. Ha,ha. The other best part is the fact that Scott has been waiting for 3 years to use the Santa card and well, it lasted about 20 seconds. Poor Scotty Potty. :)
Also new on the forefront...I finally couldn't stand it anymore and went against my loving husband's wishes and trimmed Stetson's mullet. I warned him it was coming so it shouldn't have been a total surprise to him. It looks so cute an he's a boy now!!!

Haddyn's hair was out of control too:

So she got a cut at the same time. She wouldn't leave her ponies and clips in and I got sick of the fight, plus her hair is a lot like mine and it get stringy when it's long. Observe:

Stetson also said his first word last week. What was it you ask? NO, of course! He has also said Hi since then. It's nice to see him starting to communicate. It's so funny how different he and Haddyn have been. She was repeating anything you'd say to her by now and had been signing for months, but not little man. It's been a learning experience for us, but I think we ARE actually learning something so that makes it okay right? He gives the cutest kisses now too, but I still haven't been able to get a video yet. There's a little update with our clan, be back with more soon!