Thursday, December 31, 2009

Leading Up To Christmas...

So once again I'm a little behind on the whole posting thing, but get ready...cause here it comes!! First, our bestest friends Taylor and Sarah came to visit us from Colorado the beginning of December. It was a quick trip, but we loved seeing them and they loved chillin' with our babes. Haddyn was barely talking when they moved and Stetson was non-existant, so it was fun for them to see the changes. We can't wait for summer to come already so we can go see them! Here are a couple of cute pics...Next on the agenda was a family Christmas party in Utah the weekend before Christmas. Haddyn finally got to meet Santa for the first time. She has been talking to a Santa across the road in a hot air balloon for a month and saying that he is sleeping because, obviously, he is not moving. She has just wanted a horse and a cowboy hat and she tells him over and over. Well, as we expected, she wasn't quite as eager to talk to him and sit on his lap once he was up close and alive :) She still made her request from afar and Stetson took his turn too.Haddyn got to take a few swings at the pinata this year too and that was so much fun for her. She loves doing what the older kids are doing and because she is so much younger than all of our neices and nephews she is spoiled rotten and pretty much can get them to do exactly what she wants them to. Here she is taking a swing...We had an awesome snow storm one Sunday that made for PERFECT snowman snow, so Scott and Haddyn built a huge leaf filled snowman. However, Haddyn was ready for a nap like an hour before and she was not a very happy little love, so we did the best we could for pictures. Good times!!In this last one she is shaking Frosty's hand...Next was my candy making day. I will show you what I was doing, what Stetson was doing and what Haddyn was doing.
Me:Stetson: (He had been crying and Haddyn "consoled" him and I turned around to find him sleeping, tucked in with her blankie and she had snuggled her teddy in next to him, but it's underneath the blanket. It was very cute.)Haddyn: (I hear her saying "Yee Haw, I a cowboy!" and looked around to see her riding the broom through the house with her sunglasses on. She is such a funny girl!)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

We Are Still Alive...

Well, now we all know how well Kelli is going to do updating the blog with 2 children. HA! Honestly though, we have been pretty busy with life in general. Stetson has grown so much in the last couple of weeks and he is such a chunk! It's so cute because Haddyn didn't have a roll on her body and he is just stacking them up like they're going out of style ;) We haven't had him to the Dr. and had him weighed again, but when we do the weigh yourself with him and subtract your own weight we're getting a solid reading of 12 lbs. and a little. Solid! Size 1 diapers barely fit him and he is not quite 7 weeks old. he,he
Anyway, nothing extremely profound has been happening, just life! Haddyn, Stetson and of course me are trying to fight a cold right now, but it seems to be getting Haddyn the worst. Therefore, she is SO happy lately.
We finally got our Christmas tree and decorations up this week, so they can be up for one whole week right? Oh well, at least we have one this year! We haven't been able to have a tree for the last 3 years so I love having one, even though it's totally Charlie Brown and looked better before it was decorated than it does now. ha,ha You can't be picky in nature though---they just don't grow the same as on a tree farm!
As you probably noticed I posted our new fam pics. We got like 2 good ones and Haddyn wasn't smiling in any of them. She was so unbelievably happy and helpful in the 20 degree temperatures. To think we paid to go through that. I bet Jen, my friend who did an awesome job taking the pics, wanted to double the price for us just to make it worth it! It was one of those days where it's a good thing we love her SO much :)
I have a couple of videos to post and I'll really try to do better at posting more often, but I'm dropping the disclamer right now...don't expect another until after Christmas. Sorry.
Here is Stetson's debut video and our first little conversation. It always amazes me how fast time goes once they arrive, but how SLOW it goes during pregnancy!

The next video is of Haddyn singing and dancing to Jingle Bells. She LOVES to sing and even sings the commercials on TV and she loves to dance in the living room.

And here is Little Bunny Foo Foo--she gets a tad aggressive with the "boppin" :)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Two Week Stats

So I took Stetson to his two week appointment yesterday and the kid is puttin' on the poundage with the best of them! Two weeks ago exactly from yesterday he went in and got his circumcision done and he weighed 7 lbs 6 oz, but my milk had just come in that day so he was still just losing weight from birth. Yesterday he weighed 8 lbs 10 oz, meaning he gained 20 ounces in 14 days. His Dr. said, "Well, we look for 1/2 to 1 ounce a day in the first two weeks so we would have been happy with 7-14 ounces, but we're very happy with 20!" My reply was, "Now you know how much time I spend feeding him!!" At least I know my every two hour duty all day and every 3 hour duty all night is doing some dang good :)
He is healthy and actually starting to wake up a little bit during the day now and although all of us are STILL adjusting to this family of four deal, all is great! Haddyn is still such a good helper. In fact, I honestly expected her to get a little more naughty with his arrival, cause well, she's me in a little body and I know me....BUT, she has been such a good little girl and is even starting to work on potty training now! Have I ever mentioned that I LOVE being a Mom?? Well, just in case...I LOVE BEING A MOM! (It's amazing I still feel this way today after only sleeping 4 hours again last night and being up with both kids throughout the night. Prayers are answered, even when they just consist of "Give me strength to make it through the day and still like myself and my kids" he,he :)

Haddyn loving her baby bro
This shirt is a newborn size, which is all that would fit him correctly when he was born because he is so short...think he's grown out of it already or are 3/4 length sleeves in for boys now??
Doing his second favorite thing just below eating....sleeping!

Monday, November 9, 2009

And Then There Were 4....

So, I am not exactly spending much time online these days. In fact, I'm not really spending much time doing anything but nursing our new little guy and trying to spend some special time with our sweet little girl. But, for now I have both babes asleep and I know it won't last long enough to have a nap of my own, so I'll take advantage of this opportunity to bring y'all up to date!
For those of you who didn't know, my labor with Haddyn was 29 hours long and I was so scared that was going to happen again with Stetson. It was much better this time however, and I was only in active labor for 10 hours with him!! Yay!! I'll take 10 hours over 29 ANYTIME :) The biggest thing I was worried about was pushing though because it was so easy with Haddyn and I only pushed for maybe 15 minutes. Well, as it turned out I had good reason to be worried about that because Stetson has a much smaller head than Haddyn did, but he has line backer shoulders that made pushing a BEAST. I pushed like 45 minutes and was dead---I don't know how women push for 2 hours or more sometimes!
Everything went really well overall. Haddyn handled labor a little better than he did though and his heart rate dropped with each contraction for the last few hours. There was one little scare when it stopped recovering after each contraction and we got really close to an emergency c-section. It was scary, but my blood pressure was so low I really wasn't all that "there" so I didn't actually catch on to how serious the situation was until it was almost over. Good thing Scott was paying attention and he was actually the one that suggested turning off or down the Pitocin and that seemed to be the step that was needed. Anyway, it all turned out just fine and Stetson is happy and healthy and I am recovering so much better than I did with Haddyn and that is all we could ask for!!
Haddyn loves her baby brother so much! She got sick the night we got home and is finally feeling better so each day she gets a little more brave with how she touches and kisses him. Today she got mad at me because I wouldn't give her the remote so she hauled off and smacked Stetson on the head. Gotta love 2-year-olds! Stetson is a good baby, but he has his days and nights confused and has been much harder to get on a schedule thus far than Haddyn proved to be. Luckily though, he is a good nurser and I'll take that over a good schedule any day-if I could just keep the kid full!!
I was so worried about having two kids and being able to love the 2nd like I did the 1st. (sounds horrible huh?) It has been so great though--I guess if you have 2 you probably understand, but somehow it's like my heart just grew and made lots of room for more love. Awww. I know, corny right? Oh well, being a Mommy is the BEST thing ever and I'm so, so thankful for the opportunity Scott and I have been given to raise a family together!
Because of the swine flu the hospital has new rules in place that no children under the age of 18 can visit patients. That put a bit of a damper on our situation. We didn't actually find that out until we were already there and so we had not prepared Haddyn for 3 days away from Mommy and not being able to come see Stetson the next day. She was so mad at me she wouldn't even talk to me on the phone and the one time my Mom tricked her into taking the phone and she heard me, she shot a beasty glare at Grandma! It broke my heart and it made those 2 days so long without being able to see her. Scott and I enjoyed the time we were able to spend just with Stetson, but we both agreed it wasn't like when we were in the hospital with Haddyn because part of our family was missing without Haddyn there with us. Anyway, this is a pic of their first meeting and luckily, Haddyn forgave me very quickly once we came home. In fact, she didn't want anyone BUT Mommy :)
Also, my sister Dana came to stay with us last Thursday to Saturday. Haddyn was SO excited to have her Aunt Dana all to herself and of course, Haddyn was spoiled rotten for those 3 days! We loved having her here and we wish that we could do that more often, but I guess then it wouldn't be as special.This is Haddyn's self interpretation of a bucking horse. She gets on my feet usually and yells "Yee Haw, Cowboy!" The best part is when she does it while I'm nursing and Stetson gets his own little ride. Hmm, maybe that contributes to his reflux??? :)
It was a really nice day on Sunday and Stetson and I had been home all morning while Scott and Haddyn went to church so we decided to have a little family walk after lunch and before the classic Sunday nap. Stetson liked the carrier and it was hillarious when Scott took his coat off and Stetson was completely DEAD WEIGHT and his arms and legs were just hanging out of the carrier. He looked like a doll. he,heI had to post both of these because in this one we are all looking at the camera and in the shot, but I didn't check Stetson's blanket--DANG IT! Anyway, in this bottom one Scotty is cut out a little, but you can see Stetson!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Just wanted to let everyone know Stetson Alma Moulton has arrived!! He was born Thursday October 29th at 8:40 pm. He weighed 8 lbs 0 ounces and was 20 1/4 inches long. I'll do a big post later with all the details, well, not ALL the details but you know what I mean. :) For now, here's a pic and we're all doing great trying to adjust to life as a family of 4!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Happy Birthday to our Baby Girl!!!

Holy cow, I have a two year old!! I love being a Mommy, but boy does time fly! We finally have a place big enough to have people over, so we did Haddyn's birthday party at our house this year. Plus, it made for a good excuse to get people to Heyburn to see us ;) Anyway, thanks to a bunch of sickness going around, which we are very thankful for other's NOT sharing with us, we had a small get-together. It was great though...we all got to visit and have fun and of course, spoil Haddyn Elaine! Here are a few pics of the events:
The extent of our decorating:Of course Haddyn picked pink and purple for the colors and Minnie balloons. They were like the most expensive part of her birthday....why is it possible to sell 6 balloons for 3.50?? Suckers know your kids won't give up until you buy them, even at the age of 2!
On her actual birthday Haddyn got a present from her Aunt Sarah and Uncle Taylor in the mail and she got to open that one before her party. Tinkerbell and farm animals--sure fire HIT!She also decided to stand on top of our gift and fell through, opening it whether we wanted her to or not. ha,ha She got a pencil box for her crayons and a new pillow for her big girl bed. I bought a little "Haddyn sized" pillow at Wal-Mart and made a Minnie pillow case to fit it. Then I had her name embroidered on the side. She has wanted a Minnie pillow since she got a big girl bed and I was not about to pay $30 for an unusable foam bead filled pillow. I think it turned out pretty cute and she loves it, which is really all that matters to me :)Her party was lots of fun and she did open her gifts better this year, but still wanted to stop and use each one instead of move on to the next one. She is totally stubborn as well and wouldn't look at the camera most of the time, let alone smile on que. She had just bonked heads with her little friend Taylor though and looked like she had just gotten out of the ring in Ultimate Fighter. ha,ha Not really, but she had a pretty good lump under her right eye.This is her new cowgirl bed set from her Aunt Dana and family. She had to go get her pillow and lay down right then and there...think she likes it?? This one actually got a smile--her new doll stroller from Grandma and PaPa Kroff. She LOVES it! Her two favorite gifts were this stroller and two princess erasers and a princess necklace that were in the package from Aunt Kelly and fam. The necklace is actually lip gloss, but she will never figure that out if I can help it. She is actually holding one of the erasers in this picture, she would not put them down. So cute.This card was with the doll stroller and when you open it, it sings "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse" theme song. Yah, she carries that thing around all day and sings with it. Plus, it produced the first smile picture of the day!Cake and singing Happy Birthday. She wouldn't blow out the candles though...Daddy had to help.She and Taylor were so cute eating cake. This isn't the most clear picture, but Haddyn seriously had like a 3 inch square piece of cake in her mouth here. It was hillarious, she couldn't even chew.Of course there was picking of the nose. With Haddyn, there is always picking of the nose. ESPECIALLY if there is anyone around to laugh--she is very much related to her Daddy in that respect. Thanks to Jake for capturing so many great photos during cake and ice cream!!That's pretty much it for the birthday party, but I wanted to post a few other things really quick. This is Haddyn being Haddyn and why we laugh at her daily. She got the glasses and boots on herself. What a diva!! And that would be a great example how she is like her odd Mother. Oh well, she looks so cute at it! She loves these rain boots, even though they are too small. One night Scott and I hear the music on our blog start to play so we went to inspect. This is what we found: Seriously, SHE'S 2--are they all this quick and smart. Crap, I'm in trouble if so!Our neighbors have a new cat, Daisy. Haddyn loves this cat, but more than that she thinks that it is her cat. She invites Daisy into the house, wants Daisy in the stroller with her while we go on walks, and looks for her every morning and night to say "hi". It's really quite the deal--we don't have to feed or care for her at all and yet Haddyn has a pet. Thanks Blake and Jen! ha,haHere are a couple pics of Haddyn "loving" Stetson. She is getting pretty excited for him to come out and see her and say hi, I'm just not sure she realizes he doesn't go back in! he,heI have to admit this pregnancy has felt like it has taken FOREVER, but it doesn't seem like it should be over either. Weird eh? I did have a dream the other night I was pregnant forever, literally. That sucked, but I woke up and thought, well-that's just about how I'm feeling right now, so it fit. I am way more nervous for this labor than I was with Haddyn, but maybe that's because I KNOW what to expect this time. Hmmm..... Either way, I would labor 30 hours all over again if it means a healthy little boy that adds what Haddyn has added to our lives! Wish me luck---we'll be in touch!!