Sunday, January 31, 2010

Blessing Day!

Okay, I have to be honest here...I have been meaning to post this all week, but I've been holding out due to the lack of comments on my last post. See, I am guilty of not looking past the new post on others' blogs to see if there have been more than one new post since my last visit. So...I thought, I want to give everyone a chance to see it. Last night Scott was sitting on the computer and said, "There are still no new comments on your last post. Weird." Well, at least I'm not the only one who thrives on comments I guess :)
Anyway, I wanted to post Stetson's blessing pics and talk about it a little. It was the weekend after New Year's on the 3rd of January, so I am a little behind on it, but when am I not? It was a great day. We were finally able to have our first "function" at our own house, however, it was packed! We had almost 50 people in our little just over 1000 sq. ft. house, but it was fun to have them all come. We live so far out of the way for most of our family there is no reason for them to come see where we live, so they all got to see our house and we appreciated all of their support. Our neighbor and landlord actually owns a stucco business and has the supplies to set up these giant tents, so we turned our carport into a heated tent area and stuck all the kids out there to eat. I never really made it out there, but I think it was warm enough and I never heard any complaints. Here are some pics of Stetson and Haddyn...I thought they turned out surprisingly well. We unfortunately didn't remember to get any family pics while people were around to shoot them, but we got dang cute ones of the kids, so just imagine Scott and I there. he,he
Scott did a great job and it was such a beautiful blessing. Since this serves as a journal as well and I have not written in my journal yet, I'll share a little personal story. While Scott was pronouncing the blessing he spoke of Steston serving a mission and I felt the spirit so strongly as he spoke those words. When Scott sat down he said, "He'll serve a mission." I asked him, "What do you mean?" and he just said, "I really feel like Stetson will serve a mission one day." I didn't talk to him about it right then because the meeting was starting, but it was truly an amazing experience for me. I feel like the spirit was telling me the same thing at the same time it was Scott. I can't say I'm as connected to the spirit as I should be and that I recognize each time I am prompted, but it is such an amazing feeling when I do recognize it and I am so thankful for that, even more so now as a Mother. I sure hope we can raise him with the principles and values he will need to discover for himself how important it will indeed be to one day serve a mission for his Heavenly Father! (no pressure there)Along the lines of those pictures and cute sibling moments...I was doing laundry in the hall the other day and it got too quiet in the living room. I peeked my head over the couch and found this:Stetson had been playing under his little gym toy and Haddyn just happens to love the toy AND her brother, so I guess she felt a little left out. He didn't seem to mind. My favorite part is outlined a little better in the bottom photo---she is holding his arm. She may be a frisky little 2 year old that tests her Mother's patience on a daily basis, but she is such a sweet little girl!
UPDATE: We found out Friday that we will be hanging out in Heyburn for a few years. We are excited to know what we are doing and we truly feel that this is where we are needed at this time. We like it here and we are hoping to find a house in our ward and before the tax credit ends. Wish us luck!!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Funny Stuff 101

So, Haddyn has been hilarious as of late. She just says the funniest things and she has this WILD imagination that has sprung into action in the last week or so. She is now in love with Dora the Explorer and Go, Diego, Go...which she calls "Diego Go, Go, Go". She loves the animals and she just jumps into these adventures with these characters and for the rest of the day I am on this amazing journey with her to save the flying squirrel or find Boots' boot. Today we had to climb the rope ladder (which was actually one of my shirts) up the pole (the wall) to save, well, I'm not sure what we were saving actually. Hmm. Anyway, I read these Parents and Parenting magazines and they have been talking about how at her age the imagination of a child is starting to really bloom and to feel lucky if they take you along for the ride...well, I think I am the COOLEST Mom ever cause I get to go along with her on countless trips a day! She is such a sweet and fun little girl and I'm so glad she chose me!!Anyway, on a lighter and more funny note, I want to share with you a few of her new sayings that have Scott & I cracking up over and over. Scott has really been working with her to try and get her to understand that her name is Haddyn Elaine Moulton. However, Haddyn is bound and determined to let her Daddy know that her name is in fact Baby Haddyn (which started about a month before Stetson was born). So the other day Scott is telling her "Your name is Haddyn Elaine." and Haddyn replies with "I not hiding in the rain." HA!!! She said it so cute and with a look on her face like "Silly Daddy." I'm laughing again right now. Her other phrase we're loving is when she tells this daring story of how she fell ice skating, or crashing while on the sleigh (sled) or fell out of the Bumbo and she ends it with "I okay though". Not that funny typed, but adorable as she nods her head in reassurance and adds the "though". Oh, our sweet Haddyn Elaine.Stetson's new favorite thing is Patty Cake. He just smiles so big and today he even giggled!! Only like the third time he's giggled too. It was so cute! I wish I could get a picture of his HUGE smile where he almost can't even stand himself any longer and then it goes into this cough. I'll keep trying. For now, these pics are the closest I've gotten. He loves it when I roll my tongue on my lips. He ALWAYS smiles and he will start trying to stick his tongue out. It's really cute. The things that amaze us about our 12 week old babies---they are just so stinkin' cute!I guess my only other favorite thing right now is that Stetson LOVES Haddyn. I love that he totally knows his sister and is SOOOOO patient with her. She can be in his face (literally like ON his face) and yelling things to him, cause apparently he is deaf sometimes if you ask her, and he just smiles at her. It's the sweetest thing ever and it makes me have more patience with her just seeing how he loves her. Awww.We have a Bumbo for Stetson, however, Haddyn enjoys the thing more than he does. It's her choice of seat for all T.V. watching and she also washes it at least once a day with wipes. Don't ask, I don't even know. Yes, she is related to me...we do weird and unexplainable things. Live with it :)Two more things...Stetson has the cutest "I'm so hungry I could cry" cry with his little lip pouting out that I just had to post it. And finally...our loving bro and sis Jason and Kelly got Haddyn this ENORMOUS Minnie Mouse that now has to sleep with her and at the same time takes up half of her bed. She loves for Minnie to "bonk her nose" on Haddyn's belly before bed every night---could that be considered child abuse??? Yes, there will come a time when the opportunity arises to pay them back, of this I am sure. :) Check this out:ALSO, for those of you who are up to date on our situation on waiting to see where we are heading we still don't know for sure, but we found out that it will definitely not be Idaho Falls right now. It will either be Pocatello or we will be staying right here in Heyburn. We are a little bummed, but we have put it in the Lord's hands and we know that we will be guided to the best place for our family right now. We are also just very thankful that Scott has a job, wherever that takes us! An added little blessing is that I got offered a GREAT part-time position that will only take up 30 days all year in two week increments and although it's in Arco, (the end of the Earth in Idaho) the pay is excellent, so I will for sure be able to go back to work only one day a week and we'll be okay financially. YAY!! We'll keep you posted as we find out more!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

All In A Day...

Sorry the photo is a little blurry, it's a phone pic. However, both of my kids are smiling and looking at the camera and that pretty much never happens, so here it is! I have a couple little funny stories to share with you about my day as a tired and well, not so patient, Mother and how a 2 year old can make you want to pull both yours and her hair out AND laugh all in the same day!
Last Friday we started putting Stetson in the crib to sleep in Haddyn's room. Well, we quickly realized that was NOT going to work. Every time Stetson moved, let alone made any noise, Haddyn would wake up and then not go back to sleep unless she came to our bed...which we do not do in our house. So, after 4 nights we cleared some space in the extra room and moved Stetson into his own room. So yesterday was our first day after an actual full night of sleep and needless to say, Haddyn (or Mommy) were not in the least "caught up" on their sleep at that point. So, after a long day of pushing my buttons, 2 potty accidents in a row and her refusing to take a nap I had pretty much reached the brim. That is when Haddyn was introduced to 2 new forms of bodily fluid that she had not experienced in such a way before. I was burping Stetson (yes, you see it coming) and I had asked her not to hold onto his head and get in his face about 4 times and the last warning was, "If you don't move sweetie he is going to spit up on you." (Yes, at this point I even still used sweetie) Well, about .0004 seconds later she was covered in spit up. I hate to say it was funny, but it kinda was. The poor thing HATES to be dirty so she is freaking out trying to find a wipe to clean herself and it was then that I got my first laugh of the day. She finally came to terms with the fact that she needed to stay out of his face and just settled with calling him "Silly Stetson" from afar (afar being about 1 foot away).
Later that evening Haddyn and Stetson are in the bath tub together and I was washing Stetson. I had told Haddyn she didn't want to sit where she was because Stetson would probably end up peeing on her. Well, being the 2 year old she is and being my daughter, she decided she would do it how SHE wanted to. (Yes, you see it again, don't you?) Just as I was washing Stetson's belly, Old Faithful went off and Haddyn proceeded to try and hit it away as it hit her. She was shaking her head like she had the shivers and had such an "ick" look on her face. I am laughing right now recalling the event. She finally just decided putting her hand over it would stop the torture. Once again, I laughed, but much harder this time. Luckily she is not old enough to realize I was laughing AT her and decided I was laughing WITH her and started laughing too. Laughing at your 2 year old's expense is probably not very nice, but isn't it better than beating her??? :)
I'm going to add a little photo of the "man" of the house in none other than a leopard print Snuggie. Better than a leopard print thong, but not much. HA!! J/K, but it is funny how much he has always made fun of these and now he loves his. Notice he made the sleeve into a hood?? And people think I'M the weird one. Okay, I am, but not the ONLY weird one!

Monday, January 4, 2010


Finally I am sitting down to tell ya about our Christmas!! We were at home on Christmas morning and opened presents and then headed to my parents house for dinner and gifts. We stayed the night there and then met our friends Josh and Charlee in Idaho Falls to take our kids ice skating. Here are Christmas morning photos.Santa brought Haddyn her horse and cowboy hat she wanted so badly...Just before we left to my parents for dinner Scott took Haddyn in to go potty one more time. She wanted her pants off, however, she also wanted her boots back on. Classic. I CANNOT wait to show these some day!Next are some really cute pics of my Mom with Haddyn and Stetson and since we don't have very many of those, I thought I'd post them! We also got a good one of Stetson and Haddyn, but Haddyn never cooperated enough to get a fam pic...gotta love 2 year olds! I know I do ;)As you can see from the wet spot on my Mom's shoulder, Stetson is like a fountain of gushing spit up. We do a lot of laundry!As I mentioned before we went ice skating with our friend Josh and Charlee the day after Christmas. It was fun! I didn't skate because I thought Stetson would be waking up to eat right as we got there, so needless to say Scott's back was hurting pretty good once we were finished. At first Haddyn was a little aprehensive, but she came around and by the end was actually skating by herself for about 4 strides! That's all she talks about now and we're hoping if we get her comfortable with skating it will help her balance to go skiing next year.
This first picture totally looks like Scott is high, but it shows Haddyn so cute and the position Scott stood in for about an hour and a half, so I had to post it!
This is a video of our friend Josh with Haddyn. Josh is a really good skater and Haddyn loved to go fast with him. Her little legs are just going super fast like she's running. So funny.

Last, but certainly not least, is a quite long (I apologize for that) little diddy of Haddyn reading to herself. I heard her in the other room and got the camera. She has no idea I'm watching until the very end, which is why as she sits and ponders the pages I don't rush her. She is actually reading all of the correct words too...she's like a little sponge. Enjoy and be patient--it's pretty darn cute if you have 2 minutes to spare.