Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Much Needed Pics Update

Scott found out Friday that he does not have a permanent job at the Driggs branch of US Bank as of right now, but he was kept on a "transition team" for at least the next 30 days. This is a pain in the butt because we are stuck in waiting mode again, but it is also a good sign because he was the only person who wasn't just let go in his position AND he was the newest employee hired into that position. SO...we're still praying he has a job, but he is keeping his eyes open for other opportunities as well. There is actually a chance the position they want him for will be in Idaho Falls, which would be GREAT, so I guess we'll just hang out a few more weeks and hope it doesn't take them more than 30 days to make up their minds.

Now on to the reason for this post...I have a bunch of random pics that are in need of being posted. Here goes...
Haddyn loves to use her shopping cart as a baby stroller. It's super cute, especially when she gets like 3 babies stacked in there. This day I was getting summer stuff out to wash it and she was pretty psyched about her hat.
Okay, this is one of my faves. She is her Mommy through and through in this pic. HA! She insisted on walking around the house with no pants on, but wearing her new flip flops. Goodness, the force is strong with this one!One day I went in to get Haddyn from her nap and this is how I found her. In the first picture she is singing a song holding her feet. It was comical and of course, she thought so too, so we took pics! We have a bike trailer that we store in the garage and Haddyn LOVES it!! Every time we go outside to play, if we are not going on a bike ride she will go and sit in it for like 30 or 45 minutes playing with the buckles in it. Just another one of her little "things" that make no sense to most of us, but she loves it. Her new helmet just came in the mail so I'm going to have to get some new pics of her wearing it on here!!Haddyn loves to piles things on you if you will lay on the floor with her and Scott has been teaching her to wrestle...lovely for me when he's not home all day :) Here are a couple of pics of Haddyn wrestling her Daddy.
Okay, here are the last of them...Sorry for the abundance of Haddyn pics, but she's pretty dang cute and her personality allows for a lot of "picture perfect" experiences at our house! I can't imagine what it is going to be like with two little angels in our home...it will be amazing I'm sure!! So, it totally looks like she's wearing the same outfit and these were the same day as the last crib pics, but they aren't. We were playing in her room and she wanted put in her crib and she turned into little miss picture queen. It made for some super cute pictures though. Enjoy!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Fall Down, Go Boom

It's funny I had just posted about Haddyn's first bloody crash, because here we are at our second. Last Friday I went to Rexburg to meet my friend Sarah and see the new movie "Ghosts of Girlfriends Past" and Scott was left on Daddy duty for 2 whole hours. Well, this is what I came home to:So the story goes that Haddyn was outside on the deck at Grandma and Grandpa's with the puppy and she tripped over the puppy and fell right on her face, literally. She has big enough lips without swelling, the poor girl. She couldn't swallow or even close her mouth and it looked SO painful. She couldn't even suck her binky, talk about a really bad day! No worries however, all that remains is a bruise on the side of her head and a small cut in her hair and a small amount of swelling on her top and bottom lip. She can suck her binky again though and that is all she cares about. She is such a trooper--we'll try and change the concept of "Daddy time" though :)

She's telling me "Owwww"We tried to get a pic with Haddyn, but she wasn't cooperating, so we just took one of the two of us...this is my man in his new US Bank duds, blue suits him, let's hope they think so too!!Here are a couple of pics of Haddyn in Daddy's shoes. She loves to walk around in Scott's shoes, she is so weird and we totally LOVE that about her!! It's not like she had to go far to learn that trait! (sorry about the red eye in these pics, I didn't want to take the time to correct them or I'll never post them)