Thursday, April 30, 2009

Some Catching Up

This is going to be one of those huge posts that take me like an hour to get on, but it has to be done!! I guess I'll start with Haddyn's first experience with blood...AHH!! She was going into her room to get a new book to read and tripped on them and I think hit her face on her dresser, but I'm not even sure what she hit. Poor thing, she was SCREAMING and her lip was like gushing, but she would not let us look at it. She kept her head buried in my shoulder and shook her head no over and over. It led to a pretty shoulder and back you can't see in the picture. Of course, it turned out just fine--no stiches, just a lot of kisses and cuddles. Doesn't she look so sad and pitiful??
Easter!!! We went to my parents house in Blackfoot for Easter and hung with some fam. It was good times for sure! Haddyn loved Easter. Well, she didn't really understand Easter actually, but finding eggs was super fun for her. (especially when they had candy in them!) In fact, I'm pretty sure she ate more candy in two days then she had in her entire life up to that point, but what the heck right?
First I'll start with the egg dying pics. She wasn't like overly excited about his process, but she totally dug chillin' on Dad's lap for the event.Haddyn was getting tired and snuggled in for some lovin's...(if anyone has something cuter than a Daddy and his baby girl, please enlighten me)My favorite part was that she kept sticking her feet up on the table lounging back on Scott. It was hilarious! She has always, always tried to get her feet in on any process she's currently involved in and dying eggs is apparently no different! She was trying to put her toes in the egg tray, but I couldn't snag a pic of that. This was as good as I could get.She didn't really care about the dying, but hey, let's eat one, shell and all!! (Notice: feet still on table)Our family did all of the Easter festivities on Saturday, which besides being windy, as per usual, it was a nice day. Now, in my family the next youngest grandchild is almost 6 years old (like that seesta) so Haddyn is the only really young one and has all kinds of little "helpers" to keep her on track. It's very cute I must say myself because that is exactly how I was with all of them when they were her age. Here are some pics of the egg hunt:At first, she didn't actually want to touch the eggs, just find them. It was funny! This is her pointing one out to me and I wish you could see her face. It's saying "Eww Mom, will you touch it for me?"
She really does only eat the eggs with the shells on, she HATES them without the shells. This was funny cause she got this egg in her mouth before we saw her and turned her mouth and hands all blue, but when my Mom peeled it and gave it to her she took a bite and literally gagged. She is totally related to her father.After hunting for eggs we went swinging and my niece Morgan brought this stuffed bunny out to Haddyn because she loves it and so Haddyn decided she wanted the bunny to swing with her. Please observe:On to Easter morning...
Here is Haddyn Easter Bunny surprises all layed out and Haddyn discovering them. We played the "Hide and Find the Egg" game over and over until we couldn't wait any longer to get ready for church. I totally forgot to take pics of her in her pretty Easter dress, so yes, I am a failure, but enjoy these instead!There are just some random photos left to post now and unfortunately my little one in my tummy is not going to wait any longer for lunch, so I'll be back another time for those! Sorry it takes me an average of like a month to get stuff on here. You'd think only working two days a week and being a mommy would allow for more blog time. Oh well...

Not much to update. We still know Scott has a job at this moment and we'll hopefully know more within 2 weeks.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Coolest Piece of Living Room Furniture Ever Made (& Work Drama)

So, I still need to get some better pics and some of our new couches, but I may never get that done so here is our awesome new entertainment center that my incredibly talented husband built (from scratch). It is as huge as it looks, takes up like 1/2 of our huge living room and is beautiful! Scott built it at his friend Kyle's cabinet shop like he did Haddyn's cradle, for those of you who remember that. It took him about 4 or 5 full days of working on it, but seriously, didn't it turn out amazing? All I have to say however, is I hope we never have to move into a place with a normal sized ceiling because chances are it won't fit! What do you think about my man???The fronts of the shelves are still brown because the wrong edges got painted. Besides that the only problem is the T.V. inside of's build for Scott's dream T.V. and I guess he thought if it looked silly enough I'd run out and buy a new one. Ha,ha Poor guy, it just makes the entertainment center look that much bigger!!! Some day my love, some day! The two far side cupboards have drawers in them for our dvds and the two right under our T.V. area are for toys for Haddyn and whatever. I love the finish, it is perfect!WORK DETAILS:
I thought I'd better take a minute and let ya'll know what's up with our situation here in Driggs. Scott's bank was taken over by the FDIC last Friday and sold to US Bank. As of now, Scott still has a job, but we're not really sure what is going to happen in the long run. For now, as we understand it he will be employed by US Bank for what looks like the next 30-60 days as a trial and from there they will decide what employees stay or go. This has all happened VERY QUICKLY and we aren't quite sure what to think about things right now, but we both have a very peaceful feeling that it will all work out somehow and that whatever is headed our way is what is supposed to be. We only hope insurance is included in that plan : ) Keep us in your prayers!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Da News....

I still have SO much to catch up on with this blog, but first....something of an announcement---That's right...we're going to have another baby!!! YAY! We are very excited and I am even more excited for the day to come where I am not sick ALL day, which will probably be about another month judging by Haddyn's pregnancy. However, this pregnancy has been SO different than my last. I am 12 weeks along and due on November 5th, which will put the new baby almost exactly 2 years apart from Haddyn.This ultrasound was from my first appt. at 7 weeks, so it's just a little bean! We have access to an ultrasound machine and have done two US since this one and it looks like a little tiny baby now and moves CONSTANTLY. As nice as it would be if it were a girl (because we could reuse all of Haddyn's thousands of clothes) I really think it's a boy. All we're shooting for however is healthy and happy, so bring it on!

We have a tradition of naming our little fetus and there is quite a story to this, so bear with me. Our best friends Taylor and Sarah have been the lucky individuals to help us name both of our younglings and with Haddyn we all put names in a hat and drew one out and that was it. Well, Taylor's was drawn and Haddyn was officially known as "Stalagtite" from fetal stage until birth. That was in NO way incorporated into her post-fetal name. :) So, with this baby we decided it had to be Taylor and Sarah to help us again. This time the decision was based on a simple game of Farkel, a Taylor FAVE (thanks Andy and Heather). So, the winner decided. Guess who won? Taylor again! Sarah has wanted to name our fetuses so badly and she couldn't even get on the board that game! Poor thing. We decided to do a middle name for this one too and played a second game to decide that...just for Sarah. But, Sarah didn't win, again. I did! In honor of Sarah however, I chose it's middle name as the name Sarah has been wanting to name our fetus since Haddyn. The final name is Batman McDougall (said like McDOOgall). Batman from Taylor, of course, and Sarah, that middle name is ALL for you babe! It's kinda cool that I'm carrying Batman though--HA!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

It's Always About Haddyn : )

I am a huge slacker, I know. BUT, I do have a fairly good excuse...I am working two days a week in Blackfoot now so I basically live at my parents for half the week and at my house for half the week. This week I am working 3 days and I am home today, and only today, so you'd better feel dang lucky I'm spending it doing this. J/K I am not going to be able to post everything, but I want to post a couple of cute videos of Haddyn and I'll post all the pics later cause that actually takes longer. Yes, I know, you are all probably sick of videos of Haddyn, but that's just how it goes :)

Haddyn is getting her canine teeth right now and she has a cold, which is shared with me (sweet girl), so she is a little on the grouchy side, but still a little sweetie and always keeps me laughing! She really misses her daddy so much while we're gone half the week and it was so sad when she cried as he left for work this morning :( I'm posting a cute video of them playing after her bath the other night tho...they play little game like this all of the time.

This last weekend we went to my parents house in Blackfoot for Easter and all the fam was there. It was good times! Here's a video of Haddyn and my niece Morgan getting a ride from Uncle Shon. It was hilarious! Haddyn would not hold on to Shon's leg so he had to hold her by the head. I think he was almost purple by the time he was done from the lack of oxygen and swinging on his head. HA! What we do to ourselves to play with the kids and see them laugh! Haddyn was so proud when she got off she had to cheer for herself and of course, we all had to cheer with her.