Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Two Week Stats

So I took Stetson to his two week appointment yesterday and the kid is puttin' on the poundage with the best of them! Two weeks ago exactly from yesterday he went in and got his circumcision done and he weighed 7 lbs 6 oz, but my milk had just come in that day so he was still just losing weight from birth. Yesterday he weighed 8 lbs 10 oz, meaning he gained 20 ounces in 14 days. His Dr. said, "Well, we look for 1/2 to 1 ounce a day in the first two weeks so we would have been happy with 7-14 ounces, but we're very happy with 20!" My reply was, "Now you know how much time I spend feeding him!!" At least I know my every two hour duty all day and every 3 hour duty all night is doing some dang good :)
He is healthy and actually starting to wake up a little bit during the day now and although all of us are STILL adjusting to this family of four deal, all is great! Haddyn is still such a good helper. In fact, I honestly expected her to get a little more naughty with his arrival, cause well, she's me in a little body and I know me....BUT, she has been such a good little girl and is even starting to work on potty training now! Have I ever mentioned that I LOVE being a Mom?? Well, just in case...I LOVE BEING A MOM! (It's amazing I still feel this way today after only sleeping 4 hours again last night and being up with both kids throughout the night. Prayers are answered, even when they just consist of "Give me strength to make it through the day and still like myself and my kids" he,he :)

Haddyn loving her baby bro
This shirt is a newborn size, which is all that would fit him correctly when he was born because he is so short...think he's grown out of it already or are 3/4 length sleeves in for boys now??
Doing his second favorite thing just below eating....sleeping!


Ashley said...

Dude, I am still getting used to the fact that Grant and I are MARRIED. By the time she goes to college, I might be used to the fact that Kendra is our baby. I think it's fine that you're "STILL" adjusting to being a family of four. :P

Mike and Kaci said...

He is soooo flippin' cute!!! Come see us soon!

Unknown said...

He is so precious I can't believe it! It is so crazy how fast they grow! I love the picture of Haddyn kissing Stetson on side, oh my heck it is too cute!!! It's encouraging to know that after being so sleep deprived, starting potty training, and dealing with two that you still love being a mom! I'm excited to see you guys tomorrow and to finally get to meet the adorable little man!

Dani said...

Sooooo CUTE! I love your pics on your sidebar also - way cute kids :)