Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Baby Updates...

We had another ultrasound last week and these boys are growing FANTASTICALLY! They are still growing just as a single baby would and measure on or within a day of due date.

Baby A....
* Still moves more than Baby B and is a pretty spunky little guy
* Cooperated this time and didn't take over an hour just to get his stats (yay!)
* Still in a head down position on R side of abdomen
* Measured at 2 lbs 3 oz and measured with a due date of Nov. 17th (my actual due date)
Baby B....
* Has moved from transverse under my ribs to the L side of my abdomen and was in head down position at ultrasound
* Held still for measurements, but wouldn't move enough for a good 4D pic. He was sucking his thumb and kept his little face tucked down like "Don't bother me, trying to sleep here!"
* Measured at 2 lbs 5 oz with a due date of Nov. 16th
Although both babies were head down at the ultrasound, I had an appt today and they were both breech. Go figure. Basically, I have a 40% chance of being able to deliver them, so here's to hoping!!! They are starting to have more "patterned" sleep/wake cycles. They are actually only awake at the same time a couple of times a day (usually at like 10:30 or 11 at night being one of those times), but that will change when they arrive and Mommy makes them wake up together :) I feel about 8 months prego and have now moved on to new stretch marks. Awesome! Overall, the babies are growing GREAT and for that I am so thankful! My contractions have recently increased, but my blood pressure is still super low, so that is good. I am now done working, so I just really try to remember it's going to be very important to take it easy and listen to my body.

Haddyn and Stets are really excited for babies. Haddyn has finally made the connection between the movement in my belly being real babies, Stetson doesn't have a clue what is about to rock his world. Haddyn still calls them Sawyer and Ryder and Stets just likes to talk to them and kiss them through my belly button. Apparently it's like a microphone for him. Haddyn lifted up my shirt to show our neighbors how squishy the babies are last week. That was awesome. We are now friends on a WHOLE NEW LEVEL. :) Gotta love that sweet little girl. She brightens every day for me. She will start preschool in a week and I can't believe it. Another day, another time. She may kill me some day for posting this, but this is just a little bit of Haddyn being Haddyn. Who else do you know that looks THAT comfy on the toilet? :)


Laura said...

What a great update! So nice to hear the babies are healthy (and that you are too). Keep taking good care of yourself!

Peetiedy said...

So glad things are looking good. I think about you every time I go to my check ups. I hope they turn again so you can deliver, keep us updated if you can. Love you guys

Mindee said...

Just LOVE the potty pic! lol. Glad 'the boys' are healthy and that you are too! Any closer to picking names? Hang in there chica!

Mariah said...

Hey I obviously got the invite okay, and I LOOOOOVVVEEEE the pictures. The babies look awesome, and you are freakin' huge!
We wouldn't want it any other way.
Love ya,

Michelle said...

Haddy cracks me up! It probably wasn't that funny in the moment though lol. Glad to hear your boys are doing so well! You look really good carrying two. :D

Dani said...

So glad things are still going well! It's probably nice to be done working and being able to relax a bit, although I'm sure those kiddos still keep you plenty busy! LOVE the pic of Haddyn - that is too funny :)

p.s. you have been doing so well w/ updating the blog!! I've enjoyed reading everything - is this a new trend? ;)