Friday, March 19, 2010

What's Goin' On

So, this will be a little post, but I told you I'd get one done before I leave and darn it, I'm gonna! We have had another busy couple of weeks. Scott's dad ended up with cellulitis in his leg last week and my dad ended up needing to have a cardiac cathaterization (spelling?) done and so we made the rounds between Driggs and Blackfoot to visit our pops. Scott's dad is home and doing much better now and my dad is home for now, but they found 5 significant blockages and he is going in for triple bypass surgery next Wednesday. He has kidney disease, so that is a big worry added to the worry with the surgery already, but we are hoping and praying all will go well. We are really glad they found it before he had a heart attack or stroke as well. Keep him in your prayers for us though!

As far as the house goes...Scott has lost his "loan" touch when he is putting together his own loan so we were supposed to close on Monday, but he forgot we needed an appraisal first. Silly Scotty. We should be closing by the next Monday though and hopefully they will be framing in two weeks. We are very excited and pretty nervous too. Big steps! We can't wait to have so much room though! Scott has put all of the paint colors and most of the inside of the house stuff in my hands, which the only one that has come up is the color of the flooring and cabinets in the kitchen and he already didn't like what I chose, so we'll see how this goes! What doesn't kill you (or make you kill your spouse) only makes you stronger.....right???? :)

The kids are great. I got a couple of PRN jobs between Burley and Twin Falls that I will start when I get back from Arco in two weeks, so that is exciting. Guess that's about all! Stetson is not rolling over or sitting up or even barely holding his head up on this tummy, but he sure giggles cute! Ummm, what else? Oh yah, I got put in as Young Women's Secretary last week and that has been fun. I have never been to Young Women's, so it is all new for me. Wish me luck there! Haddyn is learning all of her letters and the sounds they make and as always, she keeps us laughing and LOVES her T.V. I have created a monster. We had play date last week with who I believe is her first boyfriend...Fisher...and she laid on the floor after we were there for like 2 hours and said, "Mom, I'm bored, I wanna watch T.V." Nice.


Dani said...

Sorry about your dads, I hope everything goes okay. And congrats on the jobs...and the house! That is very exciting - where is it at?

Unknown said...

Oh my heck you have cute kids!!! I love the videos! Haddyn is so articulate for a little two year old, and has some cute little vocal chords too! I loved the picture of Stetson in his Sunday get up, he is a little stud man already!
I will keep your dads in my prayers, that is some scary stuff.
For the Record: I thought about you guys for most of my drive on my way to Twin and back and wanted to stop by to see you guys but I had deadlines both ways (totally lame I know). We were planning on seeing my sister next weekend but that might cause more schedule problems (I'll call you!!!)

Peetiedy said...

I am glad scott's dad is doing better. I have been praying for your whole family. Let me know if there is anything we can do if you need anything. I am so excited for you about the house. I wish me and terry could figure out what it is we are suppose to do. Be safe and give your mom and dad our love. Keep some for your self.

Kandice said...

So...sounds like you're getting a new house? That will be awesome! I'm excited for you to work in're going to love it. You're such a natural with the church stuff, I forget it wasn't always that way. Seriously, I had to do some serious reminiscing to figure out your comment about never going to YW! Good luck, and have fun!

Katharina said...

Happy building, you guys!