I have been absent from writing blogs for quite some time. I generally only write a blog when there is big news, vital news, and important news. I tend to bask in the attention and excite over all the comments posted remarking on my witty views. This post I expect nothing less. Kel is an expert filling in the two year gaps of Moulton information that I cannot think of a clever interpretations.
So…You guessed it. This is huge news. This is crucial news. This is essential news that I steal the privilege of proclaiming. Kel I’m sure will, and I request, fill you in on gaps of information that the male translations will omit. I will get the good stuff out in the open.
BOYS!!! LOTS AND LOTS OF BOYS!!! Kel is incubating, with 90% accuracy, two non-identical twin males. As you can tell, I am excited. Kel…she is excited that there are 20 fingers, 20 toes, eight chambers of the heart. Relax. I know most of the readers are women. Please… stop huffing and puffing and blowing houses down. I would have been happy with healthy little princess girls. I would have loved the drama queen bedtimes. I would have treasured the tears when Sally told Becky that Susie’s boyfriend was bi-lingual and Becky didn’t know Spanish. I would have relished the money spent on two weddings within days of each other. I would have cherished it all.
Don’t get me wrong…I love Haddyn. I wouldn’t trade her for anything but a fair price. She means everything to me and has me wrapped around her pretty little finger. BUT…I wasn’t looking forward to living in a dark unfinished basement with Stetson until estrogen levels had subsided. This turn of events is better for everyone involved. Haddyn will be my fairytale princess. Kel can have a husband live upstairs, although at times I’m sure she would prefer the plan taken with two girls. EVERYONE is HAPPY!!!
Now the fun begins…NAMES. None of which I have had any luck with winning Kel over. She didn’t like Finn and Sawyer. She scoffed at Bill and Ted. She said DeTray and DeTroy were too ethnic. Butcher and Baker made her crave snacks. Cain and Able made here choose a favorite. Mario and Luigi were too Italian. I thought I had a struck the gold mine when I suggested Avada and Kedavra after watching a Harry Potter trailer. Out of pure spite I threw in Bull and Dozer just to get a “look.” SO…the rule is if you comment on this blog, leave name suggestions. We do have one name we like…Case John (because of Case tractors and John Deere tractors). If you can think of a name that goes with that brilliance, then all the better. If not you choose and get the chance to have named our BOYS!!!