Monday, September 15, 2008

Dedication to Daddy!!

Scott has officially moved to Driggs and although he just left last night, we miss him SO much already!!! I just wanted to post a few cute pics of Haddyn and her Daddy to show how much fun they have together. Sometimes I just can't understand how he can question why she never wants to play "calm" games with Daddy : ) Enjoy!!!

"Pimp Daddy" style...What's wrong with you, Dad?Let's make the same face!Tickles....And Kisses...



Scott and Kel said...

LOVE YOU MY BABIES...I MISS YOU BOTH!!! Haddyn give kisses to Mommy...Mommy give kisses to Haddyn!!!

Peetiedy said...

Precious. Hopefully the separation will go quickly. Let me know if there is anything we can do for you.

Mike and Kaci said...

How sweet... I think I just threw up a little bit in my mouth... yup, I did. J/K. Time will fly by! Plus, we will have tonz of fun together now that Scott isn't home.

The J said...

that was the most adorable thing i've ever seen! so cute! good luck you guys! it'll be great!