Friday, September 16, 2011

30 Weeks

Ultrasound next week w/ stats to follow, but for now here is a new belly photo. This was last week at 30 weeks. I found some belly measurements in my scrapbooking from Haddyn's shower and found that at this moment I am EXACTLY the size I was 12 days before I delivered her. Awesome. Should be a fun 7 weeks of ssttrreettcchhiinngg.... :)


Ryan and Leah said...

Hang in there! It is amazing how much your body can stretch when it has too! Glad all is well!

Ashley said...

Oh go, girl!

jolley time said...

I think it fantastic that you are having twins that is one of my biggest fears :} the Lord must really think you are one amazing MAMA

Jen Simmons said...

Holy cow!!! Twins??! Congrats! Oh my goodness I am so excited for you guys! And always always ready for pics!! Holy cow I'm still in shock!!