Tuesday, May 10, 2011

My Little Princess & Her...Prince?

Haddyn has some dress-up clothes and she loves to dress up as a princess and parade around. Well, unfortunately, we don't have any "prince" clothes and of course Stetson wants to be in on the fun too. So, our option is that Stetson dresses up as a prince in the most manly thing available.
Exhibit A:
Exhibit B:No skirt of course, just the shirt. It may have Snow White on it, but he is Haddyn's Prince Charming while in these digs! He loves playing with his sister and doesn't even care when that means he has to dress like a "Prince"cess.
Haddyn modeling her beautiful self:Dance Time!!She loves her Prince Charming (and he loves eating the flashlight!) he,he


Kandice said...

Oh my gosh, that is so cute! I can't tell you how many times that's happened at our house...with the same clothes! It ended the day Brett came home to Aedan in that same Snow White outfit though. :-) Now Aedan has a Yoda costume and a Prince Charming costume in the works. :-)

Unknown said...

They are so darn cute!!! I can't even stand it! Stetson is such a good brother to play dress up with his big sister, he is such a dashing prince! They are so funny, you should have gotten a video of them dancing! Next time, because your videos are my FAVORITE!

Michelle said...

Hee hee so cute! You have to make do with what you have right? :D

Congrats on expecting twins! I'm so excited for you!!