Saturday, February 26, 2011

Yes Haddyn, We Know Honey...

Haddyn loves to drag her pillow and blanket all over the house and "nap". So the other day she had her pillow and blanket in the living room and was trying to spread her blanket out flat to lay down. Well, Stetson decided he wanted to get in on that fun too. Haddyn starts screaming of course, because Stetson is all up in her grill...or at least I'm pretty sure that's how she'd explain it if she knew what that even meant. Stetson is very good at this too. He may be quiet, but he is just like his Papa and learns quickly how to push buttons. :) So, Scott tells her, "Haddyn, Stetson is just trying to help you sweetie, don't cry." To this Haddyn responds, "I know Daddy, but all of the help in the world isn't gonna make me happy."

Yes Haddyn, we know honey, we know.....


Dedre said...

what a little spit fire. Too cute!

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHA!!! I love that girl!!!
It was so awesome seeing you guys the other week, we wish we could have spent more time together! We seriously love hanging out with you guys!!! Your house is GORGEOUS!!! Those pictures don't even do your house justice, it is even better in person so SPACIOUS, OPEN, and NICE!!!!!! Love it!!!
(enough exclamation marks in one comment?!?!?)

Dani said...

Oh I love that girl. That's too funny :)

Emily said...

Haha. Our kids play that game too. It's called "sleeps" at our house and they can't do it without fighting either, if it makes you feel better.:) Nixon actually ended up with a fat lip, spitting blood on one occasion, but that probably has more to do with his natural accident prone-ness.:)

Kandice said...

What would we do without our in-home entertainment? :-) Love those moments when you can look at each other and go "What the heck was that?" :-)

LOVE your's beautiful!