Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Sleepy Girl

Does anyone out there know just how tiring a long day is for a 7 month old little girl??? Oh so tiring! Some nights Scott showers with Haddyn instead of a bath and well, Haddyn didn't quite make it through this one. She laid her head down on his shoulder while he was rinsing her back and was officially down for the count! I couldn't believe it!After I got her out of the shower and into the towel she just continued snoozing. In fact, she slept through the lotioning, diapering, earring cleaning and woke up just enough to eat before going to bed. How cute is that??? Most of you know how late we are often away from home, BUT it was only 9:30. Our little bundle of sweet joy has learned the special talent of fighting sleep for her naps, so she had fought all day long and I guess it finally got the best of her. As stubborn as she is, a girl's gotta have her beauty sleep!!


The Smaellies said...

Oh my gosh! How cute!!

Peetiedy said...

That is just adorable. Love it.