Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A Hunting We Will Go...

The last couple of years we have decided to retrieve our Christmas tree from the Great Outdoors. Last year Stetson was about 6 weeks old when we did this retrieving and he stayed in the car. There was the other fact of us literally stopping and grabbing the first tree off the edge of the road. This year we got a little more ambitious. We had agreed to get a tree for my parents this year, so we really wanted to find the best one we could. Scott hiked up the mountain and Haddyn and I followed him with the sled. Stetson was asleep in the car. Well, for a small moment we were out of view of the car and out of view of Scott and Haddyn is very nervous at this point. She says, "Mommy, will Daddy come to look for us or will someone come to find us and find Stetson and Daddy too?" Yes, my sweet little girl thought we were lost in the wilderness. It was actually a very traumatic 20 seconds for her. The Drama is strong in that one.
Well, Stetson woke up and we headed out to give him a little piece of the experience. He LOVED it! Observe... Not so much.Daddy wasn't so sure either! But, we all cheered up. It was Christmas tree hunting for heaven's sake---Is there anything more cheerful, even with screaming children? Ha,ha


Peetiedy said...

This is awesome. I wish we could hang out more often as well.
I hope you are loving your house.
Love you lots.
I am hoping to do better with our blog once I get my new camera. Ours is not functioning very well at the moment at all. So Soon very soon I hope :)

Unknown said...

HAHAHA! I love how you just tell it like it is Kelli! I love Haddyn's reaction to tree hunting, Kaydence is a little dramatic as well (okay extremely dramatic)! If Stetson has gender confusions when he's older he can pin point where it stemmed from (putting him in pink boots and purple gloves, shame on you!) I'm all about getting my use out stuff too! Wow, I miss you guys! If we were still neighbors can you imagine the chaos and endless fun with two screaming babies and two dramatic ladies ;) Seriously I would be all about it!