Friday, February 6, 2009

The Famous Clothes Stand

Our daughter is a perfect product of the two of us. Half weird (me) and half do anything for a laugh (Scott). I'm not sure that will work to her advantage later in life, but for now it sure makes for some funny events in our life!
Exhibit A:
Here we have Haddyn in a "clothes stand" that she has been in for about 2 minutes prior to us finally fetching the camera. As you can see she had thrown all of the clothes up onto herself. She will literally sit for a half an hour piling clothes off of her and back on herself. What can I say?? My daughter is very creative and entertains herself well, just like I used to :) I think it's cute, I just hope she grows out of it before I did. HA!! J/K, I'm totally normal and I don't care what anyone says...I stand by my normalcy!


Anonymous said...

COULD SHE BE MORE CUTE!!! When I first saw it and before I read what you wrote I thought that was just a pile of clothes but then the pile MOVED! I'm surprised she just plants her head in the clothes without all the blood rushing to her head. She is just chillin there in the clothes, you will be glad you captured that it so stinkin cute!
Hey Happy Birthday on the eight woman, you old lady you ;)

The Smaellies said...

She definitly has a personality of her own! What a cutie!

Peetiedy said...

She is adorable. I love that you have a blogg and I can keep up on what is going on. I hope we can see you soon

Mike and Kaci said...

Silly girl. I miss her. Come see us... actually we will come see you- I want to see your cute house.

The J said...

um.... what the heck?? You're kid is crazy. LOL You must be driving her to "clothes stand" status by your own craziness. Get that kid outside! LOL